Users leave the organization.
When a login is disabled, deleted, or Active Directory is unavailable, the job may stop working.
The best practices recommend you set all SQL job owners to SA accounts.
Note: You might have a different approach, such as creating an account or login specifically for SQL Agent jobs.
How to verify the owner of all SQL Server Agent jobs?
You may use the query below to check the jobs and their owners:
SELECT AS [Job Name]
,sj.[description] AS [Job Description]
,SUSER_SNAME(sj.owner_sid) AS [Job Owner]
,sj.date_created AS [Date Created]
,sj.[enabled] AS [Job Enabled]
, AS [Category Name]
FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs AS sj WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories AS sc WITH (NOLOCK) ON sj.category_id = sc.category_id
How to change SQL Server Agent jobs ownership?
- Using SSMS, click on Agent Server.
- Expand Jobs, right-click the Job Name, and select Properties.
- Change the property owner to SA.

Actually, it’s not best practice for the sa account to own jobs. That causes problems with SSIS jobs and the use of proxy accounts. You should test out creating a dummy SQL account–probably one without logon privileges and with at most a SQLAgentUserRole role–to own your jobs.